Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sticking to the Word- Part 2

I believe, people who think works are more important than the teaching of God’s word are wrong. Not just that but today’s younger generation slips comfortably into this wrong idea like a warm pair of slippers. It fits nicely into this culture. How much easier is it to tell your friends that all you really know about your religion is that it says you’re supposed to love one another.
Our young men and women love avoiding animosity and have forgotten Jude’s command to “contend for the faith that was once and for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 1:3) How does one contend for that which he knows nothing about? Understanding they know little about what they believe they seek to avoid conversations about their faith by just calling it a good way of life rather than actually learning about it.
What about Jesus being our sole saviour and mediator who usher’s us clean into the presence of our Father? What about providing a lost and fallen world with real in-your-face truth? We cannot stop discipling simply because it would attract more youth. A Church who forsakes the teaching of truth (the Word of God) and faith for obedience and works is wrong and completely contradicts the teachings of Jesus.
Can we and should we forsake Biblical teaching in the pursuit of avoiding hostility and resentment? What if people don’t need another religion catered to their preferences? What if they need truth even if it makes them uneasy and challenges all they’ve ever known?


  1. Are you serious? go ahead and spit on the book of james then Joel and the the words of jesus that speak of your judgement by your works.... if you are not moved to works through Christ than your faith is dead....DEAD! has nothing to do with your eternity..... but your faith is dead.... get off the soap box and preach and teach all you show me that person with no works and i'll show you a person who's faith is dead... the fact is their are plenty of people who have been taught and filled with information since they were in diapers but if you don't take the teaching and put it into practice your faith my friend is dead..end of seem to relish in the idea that b/c someone lives out their faith that they haven't been taught or teach others about the fundamentals of the gospels...and that is sad b/c your missing out on what it is to be christ to others

  2. While I understand where you are coming from Thoughtmocker, I do not believe that your faith is dead, if you are not moved to works by the word of God. There are times to pray, there are times to serve, there are times to sit back and listen to God, by purely shutting up and waiting.
    Faith without works or Works without faith. I don't know, but I do know that I need to be fully grounded in my faith before I can do works that are truly for God and not for self.

  3. By the way Joel, its Big Momma, this is my dutch name.
