Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grace: Part 2 Choose wisely!

Immersed in wickedness my heart explodes with joy at the revelation of a grace that cleans me of this disease. Bono, lead singer of U2, wrote a song entitled Grace, “What once was hurt, what once was friction, what once left a mark no longer stings because grace makes beauty out of ugly things.” That grace, is the grace of Jesus Christ who frees us from sin, makes us beautiful, and calls us as new creations. His grace has one condition, that we receive it. Christ takes the oppression, the pain, the wounds, and the punishment we deserve onto him so that we can have life free from the bondage of sin. Bruce Milne put it simply, “The extension of our story beyond our fallenness is wholly due to the miracle of God’s grace.” Without Jesus we would be forever lost in our incompetence. “He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” (Titus 3:5) How sweet those words ring in our ears. There is a way to be free of sin. Sadly many will never find that way. Most people, like Judas, would trade God for a few gold coins. Never could a more foolish choice be made. If only humanity would realize, that receiving God’s grace and turning back to him is the only way a world wishing for world peace will ever gain it.
The choice to receive it or leave it is a life and death decision. Have you chosen?

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